This short course aims to raise awareness and increase understanding of ‘The Prevent Duty’, and is suitable for those working in schools and childcare settings. Prevent is part of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy, preventing people from becoming involved in, or supporting, terrorism. This course explains what the Prevent duty means for practitioners, how to comply with the duty, and the advice and support available for protecting children and young people from the risks of radicalisation.
Learning outcomes
You will have a comprehensive understanding of Prevent and how it applies to your role and setting
You will gain an understanding of how, and why, some people are able to influence and manipulate others to commit terrorism-related crimes
You will be able to recognise, and respond to, a vulnerable individual who needs protection from the risks of extremism and radicalisation
You will have a clear understanding of the help and support available, and who to turn to if there are any concerns
You will be able to contribute to writing an ‘anti-radicalisation’ policy, and include anti-radicalisation principles into other setting policies and procedures
Advantages of this course
The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on educational settings to prevent people being drawn into terrorism. As such, this course in the first and second sections explains the exact nature of this duty and the relevant guidance from the Department for Education, for example how to build resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values.
Protecting children and young people from violent extremism is an emerging issue for anyone working with them. This course uses case studies and examples to aid understanding of how a child or young person may be drawn into terrorism, and further explores some of the ways in which some people can manipulate individuals to commit, or support, criminal behaviour.
The reading section of this course contains a vulnerability assessment. This assessment can be used to decide whether an individual needs support to address their vulnerability to radicalisation and the kind of support they need. Different sources of advice and support are also outlined, including details of the counter-extremism helpline.
Working in a school or childcare provider, staff may be asked to contribute to, or even write, an anti-radicalisation policy. There is a presentation in this course that gives a detailed guide to writing such a policy, and how to include anti-radicalisation principles in to other policies and procedures at the setting.
Price: £24.99
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